by Jordan Benedict | Aug 23, 2015 | Blog
At the end of last year, I had presented what I had thought were beautiful and informative data reports, analyzing millions of data points across 9 years. I took my findings to my administration expecting that they might offer me praise, redefine or add a possible role for me, and give me some free lance duties as a data expert. However, the reaction I received was quite different. (more…)
by Jordan Benedict | Jun 28, 2015 | Blog
For any educator that has been through an accreditation process, we are regularly asked: “How do your internal assessments correlate with your external assessments?” In simpler terms: “Do students who perform well on your in-class assessments also do well on standardized assessments?” (more…)
by Jordan Benedict | Jun 12, 2015 | Blog
One question we’ve been wrestling with, every since we moved to Standards Based Grading is:
“How do we ensure consistency in our grading?” (more…)