Distance Learning Data: Survey Early, Survey Often

Distance Learning Data: Survey Early, Survey Often

I am one of those teachers and coaches affected by campus closures due to COVID-19. In now our fourth week, we had to take a “brick & mortar” school and turn it into a “virtual” school overnight. We changed, and as our students and teachers become better Distance Learners, it is now as important as ever to be collecting data.

One strategy I’d give every educator who may find themselves in similar circumstances, is to survey early, and survey often. Micro-surveys, and visible responses to those surveys, give people an outlet and show them you care. Plus – it helps you to respond when things aren’t going well and become a better Distance Educator.

Lency’s Scrunchies: Practicing Data with Kids – Distance Learning

Coaching with Data: Band Class

I always love a good challenge, and the one that was posed to me was, “How can you use data to coach me in music class?” – Challenge accepted!  I had a great conversation with a music teacher to see what they might be curious about and it seemed that the amount of rehearsal time was intriguing.

Lency’s Scrunchies: Practicing Data with Kids – Distance Learning

The Data of Poetry

As a data guy, some of my favorite work is when I’m partnering with master educators to gain insights into their practice.  One such master educator that I had the pleasure to collaborate with is Scot Slaby (twitter: @scot_slaby / blog: Noticing Poetry).  Scot is a published poet, high school English teacher, and advocate for raising the bar of poetry pedagogy.

Scot has developed and promoted a pedagogical technique called “Noticing Poetry.”  His technique is in good company, sharing similar strategies to Project Zero’s visible thinking routines, and fortunately for me, Scot had the foresight to collect data from his students… I was salivating to get my hands on his spreadsheets!

Lency’s Scrunchies: Practicing Data with Kids – Distance Learning

Measuring Mindset Mathematics

In Education, the 2010’s could be considered the “Mindset Revolution.” Carol Dweck’s work has permeated our pedagogies and her book and TedTalk are educational canon for any practitioner.  In my field of Math Education, Dr. Jo Boaler, has been revolutionalizing Mathematics Education with a “Mindset” approach.


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