Tracking Student Wellness

Tracking Student Wellness

We are constantly measuring student learning data – but what about their well being? We should be just as agile (or in my opinion more so) at meeting the social-emotional needs of students as we are to their academic needs.

Tracking Student Wellness

Sharing Student Survey Results

I am a huge proponent of sharing survey results with the participants in the survey itself.  But it can be easy to send the wrong message.  How you visualize and speak about the data can engage the participants effectively or come across as disingenuous.


Tracking Student Wellness

Together, We Are Better

This last weekend, I had the privilege of joining educators from around the world at the 2018 edition of, hosted by the American School in Japan.  The conference uses innovative structures, extended sessions, and workshops on progressive pedagogy to really push educators from best practice into next practice.

Tracking Student Wellness

Student Data Portfolios

With the buzz around data in education, the focus has been around teachers, administrators, and data professionals to measure program effectiveness.  For years though – I think we are getting it wrong.  We should put data in the hands of students so they can measure the effectiveness of their learning. (more…)

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